Smart City Program: Rajasthan – Smart Cities

Smart Cities Rajasthan - Udaipur, Jaipur , Kota, Ajmer Smart City

On June 25, 2015, Prime Minister Modi launched the “100 Smart Cities Mission” to develop 100 cities all over the country making them citizen friendly and sustainable. The period of mission has been designated as Five years from 2015 till 2020. The selection of cities for smart city mission was made through competition after evaluation of the Smart City Proposals (SCP) prepared through Intense Citizen Consultation by the Cities by a Panel of Experts put in place by MoUD ,GOI. Consequently, a total of 4 cities were shortlisted in Rajasthan to be developed as Smart Cities. While Jaipur, Udaipur,  got selected in Round 1, Kota & Ajmer. made it to the list in Round 3.

What is a Smart City ?

There is no single definition of smart city, the conceptualisation of Smart City, varies from city to city and country to country, depending on the level of development, willingness to change and reform, resources and aspirations of the city residents. A smart city provides for core infrastructure and give a decent quality of life to its citizens, a clean and sustainable environment and application of ‘Smart’ Solutions in day to day activities.

What is a Smart City


For implementing the smart city mission in each selected city, a special purpose vehicle (SPV) was to be created. Accordingly, The SPV for each city have been incorporated under the Company’s Act 2013.

  • Jaipur: Jaipur Smart City Ltd (JSCL)
  • Udaipur: Udaipur Smart City Ltd (USCL)
  • Kota: Kota Smart City Ltd (KSCL)
  • Ajmer: Ajmer Smart City Ltd (ASCL)

Additionally, M/s Eptisa Serviceos SL (Spanish Company) for Jaipur, Udaipur & Ajmer and M/s Royal Haskoning DHV for Kota have been appointed as the Project Management Consultants (PMC).

The Smart city proposals (SCP)  are being implemented through dedicated SPV by two strategic ways of development:

  • 1. Area Based Development (ABD)
  • 2. Pan City Development

Under both ways, each city has designed its own projects and solutions based on their requirement.

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