Section 144 extended till 21 June 2021 in Rajasthan

Coronavirus in Rajasthan | COVID 19| Corona Virus in Rajasthan

The home department of Rajasthan has extended its order to impose restrictions under Section 144 in 33 districts of the state from 22 May 2021 to 21 June 2021. The directions have been issued to all the district collectors and magistrates.

Section 144: primarily restricts the assembly of five or more people at a place.

The department had reiterated its order instructing all district collectors, divisional commissioners, SPs and police commissioners of Jodhpur and Jaipur to impose Section 144 from November 21, 2020. The restrictions were earlier imposed up to May 21.

This has been done, considering the situation of Coronavirus in Rajasthan.

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