RERC releases Concept Paper to Promote EV

RERC Rajasthan Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure | RERC Concept Paper on EV

Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) has released concept paper on Regulatory Framework for Promoting Electric Vehicles and their impact on the Grid. Along with the concept paper, the commission has also released a Suo Moto Draft Order on “Charging Infrastructure, Tariff and other regulatory issues for Electric Vehicles& has invited comments/suggestions on concept paper from general public.


India is gradually moving towards the regime of Electric Vehicles (EV), with the intention of complete phasing out of Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) vehicles.

The Indian Government has set a vision of achieving 100% Electric Vehicles (EV) by 2030 as per the latest report of NITI Aayog and is working on Policies for making EVs economically viable.

The Ministry of Heavy Industry and Public Enterprise has also launched a Policy named Faster Adoption and Manufacture of Electric Vehicles (FAME) Scheme Phase 1 and 2 under the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020 (NEMPP 2020) to promote faster transformation from ICEs to EVs.

The Ministry of Power (MoP) has notified revised guidelines for Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles on 1st October 2019. These revised guidelines have tried to address the concerns of EV owners regarding Charging Infrastructure for faster adoption of EV in India.

Electric Vehicles in Rajasthan

As per Fame India website, the number of Electric Vehicles (EVs) sold in Rajasthan is 6.21% of the total EVs sold in India and stands at around 17,405 in number. Out of these, approximately 76% are two-wheelers and 24% are four-wheelers.

Purpose of the Concept Paper

The Commission through this Concept Paper intends to provide an overview of Regulatory Framework including Connectivity, Grid Impact, and Business Models for Charging Infrastructure in order to invite the comments of various stakeholders on Regulatory Framework to be adopted for Charging Stations for EVs in the State of Rajasthan.

Contents of Concept Paper

The RERC concept paper on Regulatory Framework for Promoting EV and their Impact on the Grid includes:

  • Power Sector in Rajasthan
  • Policy brief related to EV’s
  • International Experiences
  • Roadblocks to EV implementation
  • Various Models for EV charging infrastructure
  • Connectivity & Technical Issues
  • Regulatory Framework

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