Rajasthan & SDG 2030

India has already taken significant strides towards the achievement of SDGs with institutional architecture being already set up and several organisations/ministries have been entrusted with responsibilities to implement the Agenda 2030. On the lines of Central Government, Rajasthan Government has also significant initiatives towards effective implementation and achievement of SDG.

Sustainable-Development-Goals-SDG-1 | Rajasthan Commitment to SDG

SDG 2030

What are Sustainable Development Goals ?

Rajasthan’s Performance in India’s SDG Index

The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) is nodal ministry for drafting the National Indicator Framework in consultation with the States/Union Territories (UTs), implement, monitor and produce timely reports to document progress of the SDGs.

SDG India Index 1.0: In the month of December 2018, the NITI Aayog came out with the first ‘SDG India Index Baseline report 2018’. Based on the SDG India Index, States and UTs have been classified into 4 categories comprises achiever, front runner, performer and aspirant. As per the Report, Rajasthan has been ranked as performer on Composite SDG India Index with the Index Score of 59

SDG India Index 2.0: Launched in December, 2019. The Index has been constructed using 100 indicators. As per the 2nd report, Rajasthan has been ranked as ‘Performer’ on Composite SDG India Index 2.0 with the Index Score of 57.

Goal wise index score of India and Rajasthan
(Read in Landscape orientation in mobiles)

GoalIndex score for IndiaIndia’s Index CategoryIndex score for RajasthanRajasthan Index Category
1.No Poverty50Performer56Performer
2. Zero Hunger35Aspirant35Aspirant
3. Good health and Well-Being61Performer58Performer
4. Quality Education58Performer51Performer
5. Gender Equality42Aspirant39Aspirant
6. Clean Water and Sanitation88Front Runner76Front Runner
7. Affordable and Clean Energy70Front Runner61Performer
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth64Performer65Front Runner
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure65Front Runner38Aspirant
10. Reduced Inequalities64Performer70Front Runner
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities53Performer61Performer
12. Responsable Consumption and Production55Performer30Aspirant
13. Climate Action60Performer60Performer
15. Life on Land66Front Runner75Front Runner
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions72Front Runner76Front Runner
Composite Score60Performer57Performer
Rajasthan’s Performance in SDG India Index 2.0

SDG India Index 3.0: In June 2021, Niti Aayog released the SDG India Index 3.0 for year 2020-21. The Index has been constructed using 115 quantitative indicators. As per the 3rd report, Rajasthan has been ranked as ‘Performer’ on Composite SDG India Index 3.0 with the Index Score of 60 and rank of 22.

Rajasthan in SDG India Index 2021

Rajasthan: Commitment to SDG

1. Institutional Setup for SDGs in Rajasthan

Rajasthan has set up a state level implementation and monitoring committee under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Government of Rajasthan. This committee is responsible for setting up the states SDGs agenda, developing the institutional framework at state level, assigning roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders in the state and review the progress made in the state.

State Planning Department has been declared as nodal department for SDGs implementation & monitoring. A dedicated cell/centre has been established in Directorate of Economics & Statistics for collection of data on Targets/National Indicators and review of progress.

2. Constitution of Sectoral Working Groups

As per recommendations of state level implementation and monitoring committee, 8 sectoral working groups were constituted to suggest implementation & monitoring measures.

Group Name Related Goals
Group 1: Poverty Eradication & Food Security 1, 2 and 12
Group 2: Healthcare, Water & Sanitation 3 and 6
Group 3: Education 4 and 5
Group 4: Growth, Employment, Industrialization & Infrastructure 7, 8, 9 and 11
Group 5: Social Security & Empowerment 5 and 10
Group 6: Climate Change, Sustainable use of Ecosystem 13 and 15
Group 7: Peace & Justice, Promote Partnership 16 and 17
Group 8: Infrastructure 6, 7, 9 and 11


3. Constitution of District Level Committees for SDG implementation

Keeping in view localisation of SDGs, better planning and implementation at grass-root level, and build enabling environment at District and Block level, a District level SDGs implementation and monitoring committee has been also constituted under the chairmanship of District Collector.

The Deputy Director/Assistant Director, Economics and Statistics of the respective district is nominated as the Member Secretary of this committee and district level officers of various associated departments are made members of this committee. This committee is entrusted to prepare district level roadmap for SDG implementation.

4. Capacity Building at Grass-root Level

For District Planning and Panchayati Raj Institutions level, Indira Gandhi Panchayati Raj & Gramin Vikas Sansthan (IGPR & GVS) is being regularly organized trainings/workshops for sensitisation and awareness development on SDGs and their integrations with Gram Panchayat Development Plans and District Plan.

5. Publications & reports:

Directorate of Economics & Statistics has released ‘Rajasthan SDG Status Report-2020‘ in the month of January, 2020 on the lines of National Indicators Framework. Total 215 indicators of NIF have been covered in this status report and it also includes schematic and priority indicator defined by NITI Aayog.

6. Rajasthan SDG Index

To measure the performance of districts on the SDG’s, Rajasthan Sustainable Development Goal Index has been developed. 


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