
As per National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB), India is world’s third largest fish producer. In aquaculture, India is second only to China, with a 7% share in global production.  Fish production also contributes around 1% to India’s gross domestic product and over 5% to the agricultural GDP. In Rajasthan, besides providing fish production, the sector also provides low cost food rich in protein & employment to rural and weaker sections.

Fisheries Resource in Rajasthan:

Rajasthan has good aquatic resources to become a leading fish producer in the country, water resources in Rajasthan include:

  • 3.36 lakh hectare –  large and medium water bodies
  • 0.94 lakh hectare – small water bodies and ponds
  • 0.87 lakh hectare – rivers and canals

As per the study conducted by the Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai (2010) the fish production potential of Rajasthan is more than 80,000 metric tonnes annually.

Fish Production in Rajasthan

Fish production is increasing steadily in the State. However, the production achieved in the year 2018-19 is only 55,848.99 metric tonnes in the State.

Government Departments:

Union Level:

  • Department of Fisheries – Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying  [ New Ministry formed in May 2019 ]
  • National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB)

Rajasthan Government:

  • Department of Fisheries (website)

Schemes Related to Fisheries in Rajasthan

The State Department has started implementation of ambitious scheme on ‘livelihood model’, which is a ‘zero revenue’ model, for the upliftment of tribal fishermen in three reservoirs namely Jaisamand (Udaipur), Mahi Bajaj Sagar (Banswara) and Kadana Backwater (Dungarpur).

As per the new model, the lift contract has been given to the highest bidder. One of the important conditions is to transfer whole fish catch price to tribal fisherman and these fish catching rates are highest in the country. A total of about 7,193 fishermen of 56 fishermen cooperative societies are being benefitted under this model and the earning of tribal fishermen working on regular basis has increased manifold.

National Mission for Protein Supplement

  • Under National Mission for Protein Supplement scheme, a cage culture project has been sanctioned by Government of India at a cost of `3.44 crore for the dissemination and demonstration of modern fisheries-techniques at Mahi Bajaj Sagar (Banswara) and 56 cages have already been installed there.
  • The project has been started and completed two phases.
  • After completion of second phase the cages for the third phase are being allotted to tribal fishermen society Bassipada (Banswara) to take up fish culture.
  • `3.64 crore has been sanctioned for Ornamental Fish breeding unit and aquarium gallery and it is under construction as an innovative work at Bisalpur Dam (Tonk).

Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)

  • Under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), an amount of `15.30 crore has been approved for the modernization/ construction of 41 fish landing centres of Rajasthan to reduce the post-harvest losses.
  • The construction of fish landing centres at Ramsagar (Dholpur), Bisalpur (Tonk) and Rana Pratap Sager (Rawatbhata) have been completed.
  • Construction of landing centres at Jawaidam (Pali) and Jaisamand (Udaipur) has been completed and working at present.


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