Advocate General of Rajasthan

Advocate General is the Highest Law Officer and is part of state executive. It is a Constitutional post and Article 165 in Constitution of India defines the procedure of appointment, removal and functions of Advocate General of State. Currently, Mahendra Singh Singhvi is the advocate general of Rajasthan.

The office of Advocate General of Rajasthan came  into existence on the formation of the State of Rajasthan as per the State  Re-Organization Act 1956 when the High Court of Rajasthan was established.  The AG’s office presents all the cases in which the Govt. of Rajasthan is one of the parties, in the High Court of Rajasthan at Principal Seat at Jodhpur and Bench at Jaipur.

The Advocate General and his office defends and protects the interest of State Government and gives invaluable legal guidance to the State Government in formulation of its policy and execution of its decisions.

Article: 165 | Appointment & Term:

  • He is appointed by the Governor and enjoys the office during the pleasure of the Governor.
  • The qualification to become an advocate general is the same as that of a Judge of a High Court. In other words:
    • Must be a citizen of India
    • Must have held a judicial office for 10 years
    • Been an advocate in high court for 10 years.
  • The remuneration / retainer of the Advocate General is decided by the Governor.

Article :177 | Functions & Duties:

As chief law officer of state government. Advocate General has following duties:

  • To give advice to the state Government on legal matters which are referred to him/ her by Governor.
  • To perform legal duties assigned by Governor.
  • To discharge functions conferred on him/her by Constitution or any other law.

For performance of the duties, the Advocate General is entitled to appear before any court of law within the state.  Additionally, he has the right to  speak and take part in meetings of State legislature (Article 177). However, he is not entitled to vote in state assembly.

Who is the current Advocate General of Rajasthan ?

Currently, Mahendra Singh Singhvi is the advocate general of Rajasthan.

Who was the first Advocate General of Rajasthan ?

Shri Shri G.C. Kasliwal was the first Advocate General of Rajasthan. 

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