Rajasthan Epidemic Diseases Ordinance 2020 – Fines, Rules & Regulations

Rajasthan Epidemic Diseases Ordinance 2020 Rules Offences Fines Punishment

Rajasthan Epidemic Diseases Ordinance 2020 Fines Rules Regulations| Consequently, based on the Rajasthan Epidemic Diseases Ordinance 2020,  the State Government notified set of rules, regulations & fines along with punishment that can be awarded for violation of prescribed rules & regulations.

Covid 19 as Epidemic Disease:

In exercise of powers conferred under Section 3 of Rajasthan Epidemic Diseases Ordinance 2020, the state government  notified Covid-19 as an epidemic disease for the whole of Rajasthan.

Important Rules & Regulations under declared under Rajasthan Epidemic Diseases Ordinance 2020

The State Government made the following regulations to be observed by the persons to prevent the outbreak of the COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019), under the Section 4 of Rajasthan Epidemic Diseases Ordinance 2020:

  1. Every person shall wear face mask or face cover (nose and mouth covered properly) in public or work place.
  2. No shopkeeper shall sell any item to a person who is not wearing face mask or face cover properly.
  3. No person shall spit in public place.
  4. No person shall consume liquor in any public place.
  5. No person shall sell paan, gutka, tobacco etc.
  6. Every person shall maintain social distancing (minimum 6 feet from the other person) in public place.
  7. No person shall organize any marriage related function or gathering without prior intimation in writing submitted in the Office of the Sub Divisional Magistrate, and shall also be responsible to ensure that social distancing is maintained throughout the function and that the total number of persons does not exceed 50.
  8. There shall not be more than 20 persons at funerals / last rites and social distancing shall be ensured.
  9. No person shall organize any other kind of social/ political / sports/ entertainment / academic / cultural/ religious function/ other gathering.

Authorized Officers:

In exercise of powers conferred under Section 9 of Rajasthan Epidemic Diseases Ordinance 2020, the state government authorized police officers not below the rank of head constable, within their respective jurisdiction, as authorized officer to act in respect of any offence committed.

Compounding of Offences – Fines

In exercise of powers conferred under Section 11 of Rajasthan Epidemic Diseases Ordinance 2020, on 12th May, the State Government authorized Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police and above Police Officers, within their respective jurisdiction, to compound the offences committed under Section 4 of the Rajasthan Epidemic Diseases Ordinance 2020.

Fines under Rajasthan Epidemic Diseases Ordinance 2020
Fines under Rajasthan Epidemic Diseases Ordinance 2020

Additionally, in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11 of Rajasthan Epidemic Diseases Ordinance 2020, the State Government authorized all Executive Magistrates, within their respective jurisdiction, to compound the offences committed under Section 4 of the Rajasthan Epidemic Diseases Ordinance 2020.

Fines under Rajasthan Epidemic Diseases Ordinance 2020

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