Rajasthan Ecotourism Policy 2010

Rajasthan Ecotourism Policy 2010

As number of tourist arrivals in Rajasthan increases year on year, it exerts increasing pressure on constrained resources. Consequently, eco-tourism in Rajasthan gains importance and it has become necessary to formulate a policy to encourage, guide and regulate in such a manner that it grows in desirable way and benefits the people in general and help achievement of conservation goal. The Rajasthan Ecotourism policy 2010 has been framed with a view to attract more and more ecotourists in the State, sensitize the general masses, government departments, NGO’s etc about eco-tourism and laying down the framework for its growth in the State in a sustainable manner.

Objectives of Rajasthan Ecotourism Policy 2010

The main objectives of the Eco-Tourism Policy are as follows:

  • To promote Eco-tourism in specified area of the National Parks /Sanctuaries/ forests and other areas as a conservation and educational tool.
  • To encourage Eco-tourists to visit, enjoy and appreciate the nature on sustainable basis.
  • To enhance the awareness about the need for nature conservation among the masses.
  • To preserve the existing forts, palaces and other heritage buildings by providing access to Eco-tourists for educational and recreational purposes.
  • To empower local communities to manage Eco-Tourism and generate incentives for conservation through alternate and additional basis.
  • To enhance the awareness about the need for nature conservation among the masses.
  • To preserve the existing forts, palaces and other heritage buildings by providing access to Eco-tourists for educational and recreational purposes.
  • To empower local communities to manage Eco-Tourism and generate incentives for conservation through alternate and additional livelihood options.

Guiding Principles

The development and management of eco-tourism in the State will he governed hs the following guiding principles:

  • The provisions of various Acts related to Forests and Environment like Rajasthan Forest Act, 1953. Wildlife Protection Act 1972. Forest Conservation Act, 1980, Environment Protection Act, 1986. etc and the directives and guidelines issued by the Central State Government from time to time shall he strictly followed
  • The state shall endeavour to follow international quality standards in develop and operating the ecotourism facilities and programmes.
  • The quality of experience shall be given preference over the number of visitors
  • The ecotourism activities will be carried out on sustainable basis.


  • The emphasis shall be given to provide maximum possible benefit to the local communities, like village forest protection and management committees (VFPMCs)/eco-development committees (EDCs), engaged in conservation and development of forests and wildlife areas.
  • Multi stakeholder partnership in developing and operating facilities and activities to be encouraged. Development and operation to be undertaken either solely by the government agency concerned or in partnership with the local community and private enterprises, depending upon the specific requirements and the category under which the destination area falls.
  • Capacity building of government staff, local community, tourism entrepreneurs and other stakeholders through regular training programmes exposure visits seminars and workshops etc. shall be done on priority basis.

Activities Permissible under Eco-tourism

The following activities are permissible:

  • Safari in vehicles or animal back to observe wildlife and nature along designated paths.
  • Trekking /nature walk through designated paths
  • Boating/River cruising to view wildlife and nature
  • Overnight camping in designated sites / forts/palaces:
  • Bird watching and study of flora & fauna
  • Nature camps for students to create awareness
  • Angling

Policy Implementation

  • Rajasthan Eco-tourism Development Society to be created for implementation of Rajasthan Ecotourism Policy 2010.

Rajasthan Eco-tourism Development Society: Salient Features

  • Chairmanship of Forest Minister of Rajasthan.
  • The society shall consist of following:
    • GENERAL BODY with state forest minister as president for overall policy guidance and direction
    • EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: with principal secretary/secretary forest department, Rajasthan as chairman


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