Rajasthan Current Affairs: October 2018

Rajasthan Current Affairs October2018

Rajasthan Current Affairs: October 2018

AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy

All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) will establish country’s first AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy in Jaipur. Additionally, three more ATAL academies will come at Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala), Guwahati (Assam) and Baroda (Gujarat) by next year.

ATAGS Gun Trials

India’s first high capacity indigenous long range 155mm and Dhanush’s supplement gun ATAGS (Advanced Towed Artillery Gun System) trials began at Pokhran Field Firing Range in Jaisalmer district.
What is ATAGSATAGS, Dhanush

The Advanced Towed Artillery Gun System (ATAGS) project was started in 2013 by DRDO to replace older guns in service in the Indian Army with a modern 155mm artillery gun. The ATAGS is being developed by the Defence Research & Development Organisation on two parallel tracks – one prototype in partnership with Tata Power (Strategic Engineering Division) and another with Kalyani Group (Bharat Forge). The gun in its last trials in August 18 had fired up to 47.2  KMs.

Braille-enabled EVMs

For the first time in Rajasthan, Braille-enabled Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) will be used for voting during state elections in December 2018 at all polling stations across the state. All the new M3 EVMs machines are enabled with Braille.


  • There are 51,796 polling stations in Rajasthan.
  • There are 4,36,125 persons with disabilities (PwD) voters in the state. Out of which, 72,694 are visually impaired voters.


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