Eco survey Chapter 4 day 4 English Leave a Comment / By Piyush Prajapat / November 1, 2024 Welcome to your Eco survey Chapter 4 day 4 English Question 1 Consider the following statements in the context of Mukhyamantri Laghu Udyog Protsahan Yojana Notified on 13 December 2021 Provision of maximum loan of 10 crores There is a provision to give subsidies of 8%, 5%, 6% interest on 25 lakhs, 10 crores, 5 crores respectively. Identify the true statement from the above statements. Only 1 and 2 Only 2 and 3 Only 1 and 3 Only 2 Question not attempted None Question 2 What is the contribution of the Government of India and the State Government respectively in the State Disaster Relief Fund? 60 : 40 40 : 60 75 : 25 74.10 : 25.90 Question not attempted None Question 3 According to Economic Survey 2023-24, how many District Industries and Commerce Centers and Sub Centers are functioning in the state to provide inputs and other facilities to entrepreneurs? 8 District Centers and 36 Sub Centers 36 District Centers and 49 Sub Centers 49 Sub Centers and 36 District Centers 36 District Centers and 8 Sub Centers Question not attempted None Question 4 Consider the following statements with reference to the industry sector according to Economic Survey 2023-24 The industry sector includes mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity, gas, water supply and other utility services and construction sector The gross state value addition of the industry sector at constant prices (2011-12) is Rs 2.33 lakh crore in the year 2023-24. Identify the incorrect statement from the above statements Only 1 Only 2 Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2 Question not attempted None Question 5 Consider the following statements with reference to Mukhyamantri Yuva Sambal Yojana The scheme was started on 1 February 2019 The applicant must compulsorily undergo skill training for at least three months and an internship of four hours per day in government departments. The allowance amount given to eligible male unemployed candidates is Rs 4500 per month. The amount mentioned for unemployed female transgender and Divyangjan is Rs 5000 per month. Identify the correct statement from the above statements Only 1 and 2 Only 2 3 and 4 Only 3 and 4 Only 2 and 4 Question not attempted None 1 out of 5 Time's upTime is Up! Post navigation ← Previous QuizNext Quiz →