October Important Days

2 October: International Day of Non-Violence

  • The International Day of Non-violence is being celebrated on 2 October throughout the world on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
  • It was established by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) by passing the resolution in 2007 in an effort to spread the message of non-violence.

3 October: World Habitat Daywhd-2016

  • World Habitat Day (WHD) is observed every year on the first Monday of October throughout the world. This year it was observed on 3 October 2016.
  • 2016 Theme: “Housing at the Centre”.
  • It aims to raise awareness about need for affordable housing for all in urban areas, cities and towns.

9 October: World Post Day

  • To spread awareness about the postal services and their role in the everyday lives of people and businesses.
  • 2016 Theme: “Innovation, Integration and Inclusion”.

10 October: World Mental Health Dayworld-mental-health-day

  • It’s a day first celebrated in 1992 at the initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health, a global mental health organization.
  • Theme 2016: Psychological first aid
  • The hashtag #Glitch is being used by Twitter users to share their stories and help promote World Mental Health Day 2016.

11 October: International day of Girl Childidgc

  • The observance of the day seeks to increase awareness of gender inequality faced by girls worldwide based upon their gender and supports more opportunity for girls.
  • 2016 Theme: “Girls’ Progress = Goals’ Progress: What Counts for Girls”. It calls for action for increased investment in collecting and analyzing girl-relevant, girl-focused and sex-disaggregated data.

13 October: International Day for Disaster Reduction

  • In 2009, the UNGA designated 13 October as the annual date by adopting Resolution 64/200.iddr2016carousel
  • Significance of the day: It seeks to spread awareness about reining the risks of disasters around the world and also reduce exposure of people and communities to disasters.
  • 2016 Theme:  “Live to Tell: Raising Awareness, Reducing Mortality”.
  • The 2016 edition marks the launch of the new “Sendai Seven” campaign, centered on the seven targets of the Sendai Frame

15 October: International Day for Rural Women:women

  • Significance of the day: Highlights the critical role and contribution of rural women, including indigenous women in enhancing rural and agricultural development, eradicating rural poverty and improving food security.
  • 2016 Theme: “Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too”.

15 October: World Student Day:kalam

  • Avul Pakir Jainul-abdeen Abdul Kalam, famous as Dr. A.P. J. Abdul Kalam, was born on 15 October 1931 in Rameshwaram, Madras Presidency, British India. Post his unfortunate demise last year on 27 July, UNO in a fitting tribute, announced his birthday (15 October) as World Student Day.

16 October:  World Food Day:

  • Why 16th October: To mark foundation of Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations in 1945.
  • Significance of Day: It aims to raise public awareness about hunger challenges and encourage people around the world to take action in the fight against hunger.
  • 2016 Theme: “Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too”. It highlights the issue of food security related to climate change. It calls adopting sustainable practices for growing more food with less area of land and use natural resources wisely.

17 October: International day for Eradication of Poverty:poverty

  • Significance of Day: It seeks to promote awareness among people to eradicate poverty and destitution around the world particularly in developing countries
  • 2016 Theme: “Moving from humiliation and exclusion to participation: Ending poverty in all its forms”.

24 October: United Nations Day:un-day

  • Why on 24 October: anniversary of the entry into force of the UN Charter (the founding document of UNO) in 1945.
  • 2016 Theme: “Freedom First” – highlight concrete actions people can take to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

28 October: National Ayurveda Day:Ayurveda Day

  • Why 28 October: occasion of Dhanwantari Jayanti
  • 2016 Theme: Ayurveda for Prevention and Control of Diabetes‘.
  • Detailed NEWS: Here

31 October: World Cities day:

  • Significance: To promote international community’s interest in global urbanization, push forward cooperation among countries in meeting opportunities and addressing challenges of urbanization, and contributing to sustainable urban development around the world.
  • 2016 Theme: “Inclusive Cities, Shared Development“.  The theme highlights the role of urbanization as a source of global development and social inclusion.
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