National Fish Farmers Day 2020

National Fish Farmers Day 2020 Fish Cryobanks

National Fish Farmers Day 2020, was celebrated on 10th July by the Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying in association with the National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) through a webinar event.

National Fish Farmers Day

National Fish Farmers Day is celebrated on 10th July every year in remembrance of scientists Dr. K. H. Alikunhi and Dr. H.L. Chaudhury  who successfully demonstrated the technology of induced breeding (Hypophysation) in Indian Major Carps on 10th July, 1957 at the erstwhile ‘Pond Culture Division’ of CIFRI at Cuttack, Odisha (presently Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, CIFA, Bhubaneswar). The event aims to draw attention to changing the way the country manages fisheries resources to ensure sustainable stocks and healthy ecosystems.

Every year, the event is celebrated by felicitating outstanding fish farmers, aquapreneurs & fisher folks in recognition of their accomplishments in the field and their contribution in the growth of the fisheries sector in the country. Fishermen and fish farmers across the nation participate in the event apart from officials, scientists, professionals, entrepreneurs and stakeholders.

National Fish Farmers Day 2020:

Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY)

Union Minister for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Shri Giriraj Singh observed that in order to consolidate the achievements of Blue Revolution and pave the way from NeeliKranti to ArthKranti, under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and to realise his vision of doubling the farmer’s income, the “Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana” (PMMSY) has been launched with highest ever investment of Rs. 20,050 crore during next five years. This scheme will address the critical gaps in fish production and productivity, quality, technology, post-harvest infrastructure and management, modernisation and strengthening of value chain, traceability, establishing a robust fisheries management framework and fishermen’s welfare.


Fish Cryobanks

NFDB in collaboration with the NBFGR will take up the work to establish “Fish Cryobanks” in different parts of the country, which will facilitate all time availability of ‘fish sperms’ of desired species to fish farmers. This would be the first time in the world when “Fish Cryobank” will be established, which can bring a revolutionary change in the fisheries sector in the country for enhancing fish production and productivity and thereby increasing prosperity among the fish farmers.

The “Cryomilt” technology developed by the NBFGR in support with NFDB may be helpful in establishment of “Fish Cryobanks”, which will provide good quality of fish sperms in hatcheries at any time.

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