How do I start to prepare for RAS Exam

The two most important things required for cracking RAS or any other competitive examination or for any other thing in life are:

  1. Plan (90%)
  2. Execution of Plan(10%)

That is, you need a solid working plan and then you need to execute the plan to 100%. But both of these things are very easy to say and very hard to actually do. your chances of success depend more on these 2 things than luck or anything else.

Plan – The details

Well, first thing you should note with plan is you are the best person that can make the plan for yourself, not us nor anyone else. Because no one knows or understands you better than you do. So first step is to take control of ship.

Now how to make plan for your self?

First understand your Goal -The RAS examination. Syllabus/Time available in exam/ level of competition/ pattern etc and rate you present level. Check out –  RAS Exam

Second, Plan long-term & plan with scope for failure.
RAS/IAS are not the type of exams where maths work, ie. you study 6 hours daily for 1 year and you shall pass. They are multi-level examination and even the process of examination is more than 6 months long. So, please never plan for 6–8 months. Rather base you plan on syllabus of exam and the time you shall require for preparation.

Further, Success in RAS/IAS depends not only on preparation but also temperament, coolness of mind. ability to think free etc. As I already mentioned, since these examination are time taking, most of the aspirants face challenge after 6–8 months in maintaining a tension free mind for studying. Example, if you have not financial aspect of study you may find your self working part-time/study part time but not able to manage, there can be problems of marriage, family pressure on you. The harder task is planning for such activities so that these do not disturb your preparation.

Hence, Summarily you need to plan for:

  1. Examination – time duration you have 1 yr/6month/2yrs
  2. How you will finish syllabus in that period.
  3. Mode: Coaching/Self-study
  4. How for above period you shall manage finance: Average daily expense+room rent etc * you time period =?
  5. If not married: commitment from home that you shall not be disturbed for so time – own marriage/going to functions/socialising etc
  6. Then your own schedule. Needs to maintain balance. Only study = bad plan. Plan needs to have Study time+ Play time+ Social faltu time../ per week basis. Like you will go out only once (Money & time save)
  7. Then Your Academic planning – books/notes/
  8. You can also try associating with some already preparing group. Here, talks can also be related to RAS and all.
  9. Start following the herd already: How in spare time try browsing different websites related to Civil services. ( Not on facebook pls – utterly crap). There must be 100 sites but you need to pick what’s best for you.

If your planning is detailed and your commitment to both RAS and your plan is strong. Execution of Plan will be easier.

Now, moving on to how to actually start preparing for the examination – like syllabus, books – what to read first, etc – see our RAS Preliminary Examination Guide

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