Drugs seized in Udaipur

Recently, there has been a big news regarding drugs worth Rs 5,000 (some reports 10,000) Crore being seized in a factory located Kaladwas, Udaipur. The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) has confiscated 23.5 tonnes of banned drugs, Mandrax. On Friday night, following the raid, the Udaipur factory was covered with a tent and soldiers of the Border Security Force (BSF) were deployed to keep guard. Over the next three days, the DRI inventoried everything seized — drugs, chemical and logs — which officials claim is its biggest haul of the banned substance in recent years. Rajasthan Home Minister Gulab Chand Kataria has admitted that the police failed to get clues about the narcotic drugs racket. The Udaipur police were kept out of the loop of the joint operation by the DRI, the Central Bureau of Narcotics and the BSF.

What is Mandrax ?

  • Mandrax is a banned psychotropic substance, overdose of which can lead to coma and death. It is commonly known as M-pills, buttons or smarties. Chemical name of the drug is Methaqualone, it is a banned psychotropic substance and falls under the Schedule I of  THE NARCOTIC DRUGS AND PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES ACT, 1985 (NDPS, Act) .

Why is Mandrax banned?

  • It is banned because it is used as a recreational drug in Africa and Asia, where the tablet is smoked mixed with cannabis.


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