Draft Rajasthan Livestock & Dairy Development Policy 2019


Livestock production systems in State are mostly based on traditional knowledge, low cost agricultural residues and agro-byproducts leading to comparatively low productivity. Livestock development falls within the jurisdiction of the State Government. Hence it is the State’s responsibility to formulate suitable policy guidelines for overall development of the sector and to ensure faster growth of the livestock sector including sub-sectors viz. small ruminants, horses, camels and poultry for increased productivity and income and to generate employment opportunities in rural areas.

Vision of Livestock Policy 2019

  • Strengthening of the animal husbandry sector.
  • Holistic growth of livestock sector in terms of productivity, production, product processing, marketing, quality & services.
  • Conservation and improvement of the indigenous germplasm of livestock in order to increase productivity and protect bio-diversity.
  • Modernization of the sector.
  • Empowerment of ESWS families, especially women, by improving their household income through improved animal husbandry.

Aims and Objectives of the State Livestock Policy 2019

The State Livestock Policy aims at increasing livestock productivity and production in a sustainable manner, while protecting the environment, preserving animal bio-diversity, ensuring bio-security and farmers’ livelihood. With this goal, the main objectives of the policy are as under:

  • Support the existing low input production systems for improving productivity and income.
  • To provide an enabling environment for the growth and development of the livestock sector by providing quality services and inputs.
  • To encourage establishment and growth of financially viable medium and large commercial livestock production units capable of adopting latest technology including facility for processing and value addition.
  • To promote conservation of animal bio-diversity; conservation and genetic improvement of important indigenous breeds of livestock and poultry in the State.
  • To encourage conservation of indigenous breeds of animals with special emphasis on Cattle, Camel and Horses.
  • To increase availability of feed and fodder resources to meet the requirement of livestock to attain optimal productivity.
  • To strengthen overall animal health cover through prevention, control and eradication of various disease conditions and encourage/enable the dairy cooperatives to extend veterinary services to farmers.
  • To focus on production of quality livestock products as per the international standards for food safety.
  • To encourage value addition of livestock products like milk and milk products, eggs, wool and meat & meat products etc.
  • To expand capacity of milk handled by organized dairy sector including cooperatives.
  • To provide logistic support to farmers for protection of livestock during natural calamities. Pastoralists need to be provided support for migratory animals.
  • To provide insurance support for replacement of livestock and compensation of losses.
  • To develop organic livestock production systems and focus on production of quality livestock products.
  • To enhance banking and investment support and incentive to the sector.
  • To ensure transmission and application of improved technology and management practices on the farmer’s doorstep.
  • To create an enabling environment to attract investment for improving infrastructure support, livestock production, processing, value addition and marketing in the sector.

Re-orientation of Breeding Policy for Livestock

  • State would review the breeding policies for different livestock species on a regular basis.

Conservation of Animal Bio-Diversity

State has rich and diverse genetic resources of livestock in the form of a large number of species, breeds, and strains within a species. Rajasthan has some of the best breeds of cattle, sheep and goats. Some of these breeds have useful genes for faster growth and prolificacy. Such utility genes and breeds would be identified, conserved and utilized for breeding. The focus would be on conservation of indigenous breeds of livestock.

Pastoral communities, particularly those managing migratory animals like sheep, goats, camels etc. shall be supported through creation of facilities along their migratory routes for feeding, breeding, healthcare, housing, and market channels for their produce and animals.


  • Set up collection centres along the milk routes to increase procurement in the organized sector.
  • Resources of both cooperative and private sectors would be synergized.
  • Assistance to dairy cooperatives.
  • Diversification of dairy products including probiotics would be promoted to meet local demands and for exports.
  • Public Private Partnership initiatives would be supported

Feed and Fodder

  • Avoid wastage of large quantity of straw and agro-industrial byproducts.
  • Enhance availability of coarse grains and oil meals for livestock and poultry sector.
  • Increase production of quality fodder seeds through necessary incentives, arranging foundation seeds of different high yielding fodder varieties and modern scientific farming procedures etc.
  • Increase area under fodder cultivation, especially through use of barren and fallow lands and silviculture.
  • Appropriate resources and technologies will be made available to ensure quality fodder seed production.
  • Standards will be developed for compound feed for various species of livestock, including cattle, buffalo, pigs, sheep, goats and camels and balanced ration with locally available ingredients will be encouraged.
  • Physical availability and production potential of pastures and grazing community lands will be assessed and steps will be taken to rejuvenate such lands by planting fodder trees and grasses.
  • Integrated land use planning with livestock as a component will be encouraged through Panchayati Raj Institutions.
  • State government and state agriculture/ veterinary university feed analytical labs would be strengthened.

Animal Health

  • Veterinary Services: Veterinary hospitals, dispensaries, Sub-centers, diagnostic laboratories and veterinary manpower would be improved and expanded and will continue to be provided as state owned facilities. Private investment to improve delivery of animal health services including facilities by private veterinary graduates would be encouraged.
  • Control and Eradication of Infectious Diseases: Prevention and control of infectious diseases, being a community welfare activity, would be gradually expanded by involving NGOs, cooperatives and private veterinary practitioners.
  • Disease-Free Zones: Efforts will be made to make the State free from economically important infectious diseases.
  • Disease Diagnosis: Facilities for specific and general disease diagnosis shall be strengthened by introducing quality management system.
  • Disease surveillance and forecasting: Integrated surveillance, vigilance, prevention and control mechanisms would be carried out.
  • Control of Zoonoses: Special emphasis will be laid to create awareness for control of zoonotic diseases and veterinary drug abuse to protect human health. “One-Health” concept will be strengthened through linkages with other concerned departments, such as Department of Health and Family Welfare.
  • Animal Biosecurity: States would promote responsible use of antibiotics and other medicines harmful to the environment.
  • Disaster Management: Contingency plans will be prepared and executed to maintain the productivity and welfare of livestock during various types of natural calamities and drought conditions.
  • Animal Welfare: Compliance of existing laws of the land on animal welfare will be ensured at every stage of value chain including production, transportation, slaughter, care of draught animal and animal handling.

Meat Production and Processing

  • Creation of necessary infrastructure for meat production facilities in rural areas.
  • Integrated modern abattoirs construction would be encouraged.

Quality Control and Food Safety

  • Production of organic livestock foods will be encouraged through traceability of methods of feeding, treatment and quality production.
  • Standardization of processes of production and certification of organic farming processes would be established.
  • Awareness generation among farmers and consumers regarding food safety standards would be promoted.

Institutional Credit and Livestock Insurance

  • Small holders/farmers would be encouraged/ supported to organize as Self Help Groups or Joint Liability Groups to facilitate access to credit.
  • Public Private Partnership initiatives to take up such activities in clusters with linkage for institutional finance and marketing would be supported.
  • Protection against the risks due to natural calamities and disease outbreaks etc.
  • Livestock insurance would be revamped and made accessible to all farmers.

Conservation of Camels

  • Effective measures for improving desert specific draft power, milk traits, disease resistance and sports traits in Camels would be undertaken.
  • Special programmes shall be launched for conservation and propagation of camels.
  • Production, procurement and marketing of Camel milk shall be promoted.

Goshala Development

  • Framing Incentive based Goshala development policies.
  • Goshalas would be encouraged to develop as economically self-reliant units through adoption of modern farming and management practices including utilization of principle of Panchgavya as source of income.

Livestock and Environment

  • Modify the management and feeding systems so as to reduce emission of green house gases by ruminants.
  • Better management of farm yard manure through composting and bio-gas plants.
  • Awareness building on improved practices of livestock, feed and waste management.

Information System and Human Resources

  • Identify existing data gaps and generate data for proper planning & implementation. Analyse data to correlate and assess the impact of various program.
  • Human Resource: Developing skills of veterinary professionals and farmer beneficiaries. Optimal human resource planning.


  • DRAFT – Rajasthan State Livestock & Dairy Development Policy 2019 – Download PDF
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