In this, we will cover the Complete syllabus through 90 days Answer writing [Daily 4 questions]
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GS Answer Writing – New Public Administration, New Dimensions of New Public Management, Change Management, Development Administration: Meaning, Scope and Characteristics
Aspect | Administration of Development | Development of Administration |
Definition | Implementing developmental programs for socio-economic transformation. | Reforming and strengthening of administrative capabilities. |
Activities | includes planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of development projects and programs. | Institutional reforms, capacity building, training, and modernization of administrative systems. |
Importance | Essential for achieving developmental objectives. | Crucial for effective support of development efforts. |
Examples | Implementing poverty alleviation programs, infrastructure development projects, education initiatives, etc. | Mission Karmyogi, JAM trinity etc |
The New Public Administration (NPA) refers to a movement within the field of Public Administration that emerged following deliberations in the first Minnowbrook Conference held in 1968.
- NPA gives significance to ‘Public’ rather than ‘administration’, emphasizing ‘values’ and ‘philosophy’ rather than ‘principles’ and ‘procedures’, and prioritizing ‘effectiveness’ and ‘service efficiency’ rather than ‘efficiency’ and ‘economy’.
Five (Positive) Goals or Themes : By Frank Marini
- Relevance: Address contemporary issues
- Values: Rejects value-neutral stance and advocates transparency.
- Social Equity: Prioritizes underprivileged sections.
- Change: Active participation in social change
- Client-focus: Empowering clients.
Anti-Goals of the NPA : By Robert T. Golambiewski
- Anti-positivism
- Anti-technical
- Anti-bureaucratic and anti-hierarchical
New Public Management (NPM) represents the second reinvention in public administration in the late 1980s and early 1990s, driven by the demands of globalization, liberalization, and privatization. It is also known as ‘Managerialism’ or ‘Entrepreneurial Government‘
- It combines elements of public choice theory and neo-Taylorism.
- NPM aims to blend elements of public and private administration, focusing on “3Es” -economy, efficiency, and effectiveness.
- It staunchly advocates a basic change in the role of state in society and economy. It emphasises on the vital role of the ‘market’ as against the ‘state’ as the key regulator of society and economy.
- Anti-Goals of NPM : NPM rejects following principles of traditional public administration.: (i) Politics-administration dichotomy (ii) Hierarchy-ridden organization (iii) Over-centralisation of power (iv) Supremacy of rules in administration
Reinventing Government : Osborne and Gaebler in “Reinventing Government” have identified the ten goals (features or principles) of new public management (entrepreneurial government).
- Catalytic Government: Government should inspire action across sectors to solve societal issues.
- Community-owned Government: Empower communities to solve their own problems.
- Competitive Government: Introduce competition to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
- Mission-driven Government: Focus on goals rather than rules.
- Results-oriented Government: Measure success by outcomes, not inputs.
- Customer-driven Government: Treat citizens as customers and provide choices and convenience.
- Enterprising Government: Focus on earning money rather than just spending it.
- Anticipatory Government: Identify and prevent problems before they arise.
- Decentralized Government: Disperse authority to lower levels and encourage teamwork.
- Market-oriented Government: Use market mechanisms to achieve goals and drive change.
These features of NPM reinvented governments worldwide through : Privatizing public undertakings, Reducing government size, Corporatizing government organizations, Cutting budgets and welfare expenditure, Reforming Civil Service structures, Implementing performance measurement and evaluation, Decentralizing authority to lower levels, Outsourcing services to private agencies, Promoting openness and transparency, Encouraging citizen participation, Establishing Citizen’s Charters and similar initiatives.
Paper 4 (Comprehension part) – संक्षिप्तीकरण
शीर्षक- “ विद्या का महत्त्व “
संक्षिप्तिकरण – शिक्षा का अर्थ विद्या को सम्प्रेषणीय बनाना है। विद्या के दो भाग हैं—एक अर्थकरी जो मानव को उपयोगी बना कर आजीविका की सुविधाएँ देती है और दूसरा परमार्थकरी जो समष्टि से जोड़कर, मानवीय मूल्यों से परिपूर्ण सहृदय, बुद्धिशील एवं सद्भावी मानव बनाती है। (43 शब्द)