Current Affairs: August 11

Rajras Current Affairs August 11
 NEWS: Irom Sharmila ends 16-year-long hunger-strike

  • From: Manipur
  • Why did she strike: She wants government to repeal Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) of 1958
  • So Why ended strike: AFSPA is very much still active in the state but she has ended up strike to actively participate in politics and contest elections and bring positive changes in the state.
  • Where is AFSPA active?
    • Manipur, Nagaland, Assam, Meghalaya & 3 districts of Arunachal Pradesh.
    • More easy to remember not active in Mizoram & Tripura (recently removed)
    • A separate version – The Armed Forces (Jammu and Kashmir) Special Powers Act, 1990 – is active in Jammu & Kashmir.

 NEWS: Union Cabinet approves amendments to Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.

  • Maternity benefit Act 1961 protects the employment of women during the time of her maternity (Child delivery) and entitles her of a ‘maternity benefit’ – i.e. full paid absence from work – to take care for her child.
  • Act is applicable to all establishments employing 10 or more persons.

NEWS: Travel & & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI), 2015

  • Published by: World Economic Forum
  • India rank in Air Transport Infrastructure: 35
  • India rank in Ground & Port Infrastructure: 50
  • Airport Density: 136
  • Quality of roads: 76
  • The overall TTCI ranking of India has improved to 52nd in 2015 as compared to 65th in 2013.
  • Total 141 countries studied.

NEWS: Festival Colours of Independence’ (‘Azadi Ke Rang’)

  • The Colors of Independence festival is being organized by: Ministry of Textiles at 70 locations across the nation from 9th to 15th August 2016 to inculcate the passion of freedom and patriotism among the people of India especially our youth.

NEWS: Dipa Karmakar did Produnova to reach Finals

  • What is Produnova: In simple terms, in Produnova vault, a gymnast is required to run up to the vault (the gymnastics apparatus) and first do a handspring (use hands to take jump). Then, they are required to do two neat somersaults mid-air, following which they have to land on their feet.
  • It has difficulty level of 7.0 D, hardest level in women gymnastics.
  • She is first Indian women to do produnova in Olympics
  • Amazing thing, Dipa is one of the only five women in the world who have been able to successfully complete the Produnova vault.
  • Why called Produnova: It is named after Yelena Produnova of Russia, who was the first person to compete it successfully in 1999
  • Image Source: IndianExpress

 Other NEWS:

  • Dinesh Kumar Khara has been appointed Managing Director (MD) of State Bank of India (SBI).
    • Appointed by – Appointment committee of Cabinet headed BY PM
    • Period: 3 years


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