Few of the Most Competitive Entrance Exams in India


For an exam to be strict competitive or less competitive the basic condition students to seats ratio. Greater the ratio, stricter is the competition and lesser the ratio lesser would be the competition. Talking about entrance exams for undergraduate and post-graduate courses, there are certain exams where the ‘students to seats’ ratio is very high making those exams few of the most competitive exams in India.

In this article we will discuss about such exams. So, this article would be useful for students who wish to take any of the following exams-



Telangana State Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test is conducted by the Jawaharlal National Technical University, Hyderabad on behalf to Telangana State Council of Higher Education. This exam provides gateway for entrance to many Engineering, Agricultural and Medical undergraduate courses. According to the reports of Times of India, a total of 2, 05,395 candidates took the TSEAMCET in 2017, of which 98,596 qualified for the engineering stream while 63,570 in the pharmacy, agriculture and associated groups.

TSEAMCET registration for the year 2018 is expected to begin in the last week of February.

Last date of Form submission

                  3rd week of March (without late fine)

                  1st week of April (with late fine)

Corrections can be submitted from 1st to 3rd weeks of April.

The admit card would be made available from last week of April.

TS EAMCET Exam 2018-2019 is expected to commence in the 1st week of May and results can be expected by the last week of May.

Application fee in each category (Agricultural or Engineering) for general category is 500 (Rs. 250 for SC/ST) which can be paid through Credit/Debit Cards, Net Banking or at e-Sewa centers of Telangana State or Andhra Pradesh.


Andhra Pradesh Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test is a state level conducted by the Jawaharlal National Technical University, Kakinada on behalf to Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education. JNTUK is the second biggest Technological University in India, having about 273 Affiliated Colleges offering Engineering/Pharmacy/Management courses. Being, the second biggest University it has a great load of students, also the fact that the exam can be taken by students from both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

In 2017, over 2.76 lakh students (1.96 lakh for engineering stream and 79,303 for agriculture stream) participated in the APEAMCET.

Application fee in each category (Agricultural or Engineering) is Rs. 450 which can be paid through Credit/Debit Cards, Net Banking or at e-Sewa centers of Andhra Pradesh or Telangana State.

The exam for Engineering stream has three sections of 40, 40, 80 questions of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics respectively. While the agricultural stream exam has four sections of 40 questions each from Physics, Chemistry, Zoology and Botany.

AP EAMCET Exam 2018-2019 registration is expected to begin in the last week of February.

  • Last date of Form submission:
    • 3rd week of March (without late fine)
    • Till 4th week of April (with late fine between Rs. 500 to Rs. 10000)
  • Corrections can be submitted from 1st to 3rd weeks of April.
  • The admit card would be made available from last week of April.
  • The exam is expected to commence in the 1st week of May and results can be expected by the last week of May.


Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examinations is conducted by the BCECE Board of Bihar for admissions to various Engineering, Medical and Agricultural courses in various institutes of Bihar. BCECE is conducted in two stages. It is an offline exam. In 2017, it was held on 16th April and 11th May and BCECE Exam 2018-2019 can be expected to be held around the same dates this year also.

Having limited number of good colleges and a large population of aspirants, the BCECE becomes a highly competitive exam to take.

Application fee is as follows

  • General- Rs 1000 (PCB or PCM) while Rs. 1100 (PCMB)
  • SC/ST- RS 500 (PCB or PCM) while Rs. 550 (PCMB)
  • Payment can be made via e-challan or through payment gateways like Credit Card/Debit Card and Net Banking.
  • Student taking exam must be 17 years of age. She/he must have qualified +2 with at least 45% marks (40% for reserved category) in PC (M or B) from a recognized school of Bihar.


Telangana State Integrated Common Entrance Test 2018 is a written test, conducted for admission into MBA and MCA courses (full time/part-time/evening/distance mode) of all universities in the state of Telangana and their affiliated colleges.

TSICET was held for the first time in 2015. In 2016 it was conducted by Kakatiya University, Warangal, on behalf of Telangana State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad. TSICET 2017 was conducted successfully on May 18 and the result was declared on May 31. TSICET 2018 is likely to be held in the same month.

To be eligible for TSICET-

  • Candidate must be an Indian Citizen.
  • Candidate must have bachelor’s degree (10+2+3/10+2+4/10+3+3) in any discipline with at least 50% marks. (45% for SC/ST)
  • Qualifying marks in TSICET is 25% (No minimum marks are prescribed for SC/ST candidates).

Students can apply for TISCET through online mode only after completing the one time registration process.

The online application fee for TSICET Exam 2018-19 Rs. 350 for general category candidates (while Rs. 250 for reserved category candidates)

Note- All medical exams are now conducted by UGC-NEET, state universities have no authority to conduct medical entrance exam.

These are some of the most competitive exams held in India, but guarantee a wonderful life and future to the students. For more exams and their complete details, visit targetadmission.com.

This is guest post by Ruchi from Target Admission. RajRAS doesnot own this content. The content and copyright is responsibility of  Target Admission.

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