Cattle Breeds of Rajasthan

Cattle Breeds of Rajasthan | Cow Buffalo Breeds

Breeds of Cow found in Rajasthan

Rajasthan state has three native cattle breeds viz Rathi, Tharparker and Nagori, having great deal of endurance.


  • Origin from Suhalak area Nagaur. Hence, mostly found in Nagaur district.
  • Colour : White, light Grey.
  • This species gives less milk.
  • Type : Draught
    Used for ploughing, cultivation, drawing water from wells as well as transportation of field produce to markets.

Tharparkar Breed

  • Originated in Tharparkar district (Pakistan) of undivided India and found mostly in Jodhpur and Jaisalmer districts.
  • Origin of the breed: Malani (Barmer)
  • Also known as White Sindhi, Gray Sindhi and Thari.
  • Cows excellent production of milk.
  • Reared for dual purpose of draught and milk production as it can produce milk under rigorous feeding and unfavourable environmental conditions.

Rathi Breed

  • Mostly found in Loonkaransar Tehsil of Bikaner and Ganganagar, Hanumangarh and parts of Jaisalmer districts.
  • Essentially a Milch variety that is cows are good at milk production but males lack draught power.


  • Kankrej is found in Rajasthan’s southwestern districts of Barmer, Sirohi & Jalore.
  • Also called as Wadad or Waged, Wadhiar.
  • Gives daily average of 5-10 litres of milk.
  • The bull of this variety has good draught capacity.

Gir Breed

  • Gir breed comes from Gir forests of Saurashtra in Gujarat.
  • In Rajasthan it is found in Southeastern Ajmer, Chittorgarh, Bundi, Kota.

Malvi Breed of Cow


Buffalo Breeds found in Rajasthan

In case of buffalo, there is no native breed. However, enormous number of Murrah, Surti buffaloes are reared in the region.


  • Also called as Delhi, Kundi and Kali.


  • Also known as Deccani, Gujarati, Talabda, Charator and Nadiadi.
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