Indian Economy
- PYQs on Indian Economy
- Agriculture – growth and productivity trends in Indian agriculture
- Agricultural reforms and challenges
- Food processing sector and food management
- Trends in Industrial Sector- Industrial Policy and Industrial Finance
- Liberalization, Globalization, Privatization and economic reforms
- Infrastructure and economic growth
- Inflation, Prices and demand/supply management
- Centre-State financial relations and Latest Finance Commission
- Fiscal Responsibility & Budget Management Act and fiscal reforms in India
- Budgetary trends and fiscal policy
- Tax reforms in India
- Subsidies- cash transfer and other related issues
- Trends in revenue and expenditure
- Role of Government in economic activities
- Private, Public and Merit Goods
- Poverty
- Unemployment
- Inequality
- Healthcare
- Education policy
- Problem of regulatory effectiveness
- Redefining the role of state in economic development
- Employment oriented growth strategy
- Government Schemes,programme & Policies