Economic Planning in Rajasthan

Economic Planning in Rajasthan

The basic objectives of the successive Five Year Plans has been to achieve a significant step up in the rate of growth of the State’s economy, optimum utilisation of benefits from potential already created, and improving the living conditions of the people specially of the weaker sections. At the time of initiation of planning in 1951, the state was involved in problems of integration and so there was lack of basic statistical data required for planning the state.

Review of Five Year / Annual Plans:

First Five Year Plan (1951–1956)

  • In the First Five Year Plan the emphasis was on increasing agriculture production, extension of facilities for irrigation and power, and provision for basic social services i.e. education, medical facilities and arrangement for drinking water supply.
  • The outlay for First Plan was kept at Rs 64.50 crores. Against this, an expenditure of Rs. 54.15 crores was incurred.

Second Five Year Plan (1956–1961)

  • In the Second Five Year Plan, Agriculture, Irrigation, Power and Social Services continued to receive attention.
  • The Panchayati Raj Institutions were activated and Rajasthan become a pioneer State in introducing 3 tier Panchayati Raj System comprising of Zila Parishads, Panchayat Samities and Panchayats, from 2 October, 1959.
  • The outlay for the Second Five Year Plan was kept at Rs. 105.27 crore. Against this an expenditure of Rs. 102.74 crores was incurred.

Third Five Year Plan (1961–1966)

  • In the Third Five Year Plan, creation of infrastructural facilities i.e. irrigation and power, were accorded highest priority.
  • An elaborate programme for the industrial development of the State was also initiated.
  • The expenditure incurred in Third Plan was to the extent of Rs. 212.70 crores against the outlay of Rs. 236.00 crores.

Fourth Five Plan (1969–1974)

  • The concept of area development was introduced in the Fourth Plan.
  • The State Government embarked on an ambitious programme for specific areas such as that for the drought prone areas and Command Area Development (CAD).
  • Besides this, emphasis was laid on taking up programmes for the creation of employment opportunities and for the upliftment of the weaker sections of the society.
  • In this Plan, a sum of Rs. 308.79 crores was spent against the outlay of Rs. 306.21 crores.

Fifth Five Plan (1974–1978)

  • Economic emancipation of the weaker sections was accorded a very high priority and target groups oriented programmes were introduced. These target groups consisted of small farmers, marginal farmers, agricultural labourers, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, etc.
  • Minimum Needs Programme was introduced for providing basic social services like elementary education, adult education, rural health, rural roads, rural water supply, rural electrification, rural housing and environmental improvement of urban Kachi bastis and nutrition for children and women. Funds were earmarked under these programmes.
  • Concept of area development was further strengthened by formulating a special plan for the tribal areas for accelerating the pace of economic upliftment of the tribals in the predominantly tribal belt of southern Rajasthan.

Rolling Five Plan (1978–1980)

  • In the Fifth Plan, against the outlay of Rs. 847.16 crores, the total expenditure incurred was to the extent of Rs. 857.62 crores.

Sixth Five Plan (1980–1985)

  • The programmes designed for rural development with the emphasis on poverty eradication and employment generation were accorded high priority in the Sixth Five Year Plan.
  • A new Twenty Point Programme which aimed at accelerating the pace of development of the economy and the upliftment of the weaker sections of the society was also adopted in this Plan.
  • The Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme and Massive Programme of Assistance for Development of Small and Marginal Farmers was also started in this Plan, to attain the objective of providing employment opportunities and raising the income levels of the rural poor.
  • A sum of Rs. 2120.45 crores was incurred against the outlay of Rs. 2025.00 crores in the Sixth Plan.

Seventh Five Plan (1985–1990)

  • The main objectives of the Seventh Five Year Plan were food, work and productivity. Maximisation of production in key sectors of the economy with special emphasis on rural economy, progressive reduction in poverty and an increasing emphasis on employment oriented programmes. The latter included programmes covered under MNP and Twenty Point Programme.
  • In spite of recurrent droughts in the State in the past and particularly during the first three years of the Seventh Plan, the State, by and large was successful in attainment of the objectives as laid down in the Seventh Five Year Plan.
  • As against the outlay of Rs. 3000.00 crores, the expenditure incurred was Rs. 3106.18 crores.

Annual FivePlans (1990–1992)

Eighth Five Plan (1992–1997)

  • State’s Eighth Five-Year Plan aimed at faster growth, generation of larger employment opportunities, substantial reduction in poverty and regional disparities, provision of basic minimum facilities and greater peoples participation.
  • Priority areas of the Eighth Plan included reduction in the rate of growth of population and completion of on-going projects on time to avoid cost and time over-run. Emphasis was on diversification of the agricultural base with greater thrust on the sectors like horticulture, livestock, fisheries, agro- processing, etc.
  • The size of the State’s Eighth Five Year Plan (1992-97) was kept at Rs. 11500.00 crores.
  • The Basic Minimum Services programme has also been started during the last year of the Eighth Plan.

Ninth Five Plan (1997–2002)

  • The basic objectives of the Ninth Five Year Plan are to reduce the gap between the per capita income in the State and the national average.
  • Stress was laid on completion of ongoing infrastructure projects, especially on power and water resources along-with a focused thrust on sectors such as horticulture, livestock, fisheries, agro-processing etc.
  • The provision of basic minimum services, namely primary education, primary health, safe drinking water, housing, nutrition, village road connectivity and the public distribution system those related to particular attention.
  • The total resources available for the State Ninth Five Year Plan were of the order of Rs. 22525.83 crores at 1996-97 prices.

Tenth Five Plan (2002–2007)

  • Growth rate in the 10th Five year plan period was at 2004-05 prices was 7.2%.
  • Per capita income growth rate was 5.2%.

Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012)

  • The theme of the National Plan was “Towards Faster and More Inclusive Growth”.
  • Growth rate in the XI Five Year plan has been estimated at 6.5%. During 2010-11 the growth rate was 11.2% which was the highest one during the 11th Five year plan period.

Twelfth Five year Plan (2012-17)

The theme of 12th Five year plan was “Faster, Sustainable and More Inclusive Growth“. An outlay of  INR 1,96,992 has been proposed for 12th Five Year Plan.The Economic Growth Targets of 12th Five Year Plan are:Economic Growth Targets 12 Five Year Plan
The major head-wise proposed allocations are:
12 Five Year Plan head-wise proposed
Some Monitor-able Socio-Economic Parameters:

Recent changes in approach:

With the scrapping of planning commission, the era of Five years plans has come to an end. The 12 Five year plan (2012-17) was India’s last Five Year Plan. The Niti Aayog, which has replaced the Planning Commission, has launched a three-year action plan from April 1, 2017.  Niti Aayog has also been entrusted the work on the 15-year Vision Document and a seven year strategy, which would guide the government’s development works till 2030.


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