18 April 2024 RAS Mains Answer Writing

Ras mains answer writing practice

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Subject – Administrative Ethics

Topic -Gandhian Ethics

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Ethics PYQs – Click Here

Click on the question to see the model answer. Submit your answers below and complete the 90-day challenge for RAS Mains answer writing

Q1 Explain how the Vedic Concept of Ishaa Vaasyam Idam Sarvam is very close to Gandhian Ethics?(2M)
Ishaa Vaasyam Idam SarvamGandhian Ethics
Everything is part of god and hence deserves compassionAhimsa – Overflowing love to mankind and all living beings
God is present in every human being – Hence all are equal Asprishyata Nivarana (Against untouchability) 
Every flora and fauna is part of god and must be protected . Aparigraha – We should not respect ecology because it’s useful for us, but because it is a part of the god and has it’s own right

Q2 Explain the concept of Gandhian Satyagraha and its modern-day application in India with examples.

Ans- Satyagraha = Satya + Agraha (i.e. Efforts made to achieve truth are called Satyagraha). Satyagraha is the fearless pursuit of truth. 

Satyagraha meaningsModern day application
A Satyagrahi must not insult or attack any official even after a difference of opinion Peaceful protest against govt policies, candle marches, Dharna, strikes, etc Ex – Dharna at Jantar Mantar Delhi Ex – Peaceful strike by Doctors, lawyers for their legitimate demands
A Satyagrahi must renounce material possessions and sexual desires To tackle problems of economic inequality, corruption, hunger, malnutrition, etc Respecting the modesty of women [Article 51A(e) and 
Gandhi often resorted to fasting as a weapon of Satyagraha. In extreme situations, a Satyagrahi should be prepared to fast until death Self restrain Ex – Anna Hazare fasted until death in the Anti-corruption movement 
Civil disobedience is part of satyagraha Narmada Bachao Andolan – Activists Medha Patkar nonviolent protest 1970s Chipko movement led by Sunderlal Bahuguna
A satyagrahi should not retaliate but also not become submissive out of fear of punishment or reward Martin Luther King and other Black leaders in their struggle for civil rights usedAnti-Apartheid Movement in South Africa
Qualities of a satyagrahi – Truth, Humility , Renunciation, Self-sacrifice, capacity to bear pain, Courage, Patience, Thought control, Non-violence, Universal benevolence, Non use of drinks and drugsHelpful in tackling modern day problems like intolerance, mob lynching, physical abuse, domestic violence, etc 

Q3 How is the concept of Sarvodaya as explained by Mahatma Gandhi superior to the concept of Utilitarianism? Also explain its relevance in administration.

Intro – [There are several ways as we have discussed in our answer writing program ‘Kalam’, to start an answer with a relevant introduction and wind up with an impressive conclusion  ]

  1. Definition – Sarvodaya means physical, Moral, and spiritual development of all, whereas Utilitarianism prescribes actions that maximize happiness and well-being for the affected individuals
  2. Background/origin – Gandhi ji borrowed the concept of Sarvodaya from John Ruskin’s Unto This Last, whereas Utilitarianism is associated with English philosopher Jeremy Bentham
  3. Current – Recently PM Shri Narendra Modi reiterated the fact that all the policies aim to achieve the Sarvodaya through Antyodaya

Sarvodaya is superior to Utilitarianism – 

  • Sarvodaya talks about the upliftment of all but utilitarianism is about the greatest good for the greatest number and hence might overlook the interests of minorities or individuals whose happiness might be sacrificed for the majority 
  • Sarvodaya covers moral, physical and spiritual development. Whereas utilitarianism is about maximizing happiness which is more concerned about physical development 
  • Savodaya emphasizes on self-sufficiency and empowerment of the person himself.  Utilitarianism is externally guided and might do the good temporarily. 
  • Sarvodaya deals with a holistic view of happiness. Utilitarianism doesn’t delve much deeper 

Sarvodaya’s relevance in administration – 

  • Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas 
  • Physical development – 12 crore toilets, 3 crore houses, National nutrition mission, PM Garib Kalyan Ann Yojana [Ration to 80 crore people], Skill India mission, AAY [Antyodaya Ann Yojana] 
  • Moral development – National education policy, rehabilitation centers, Code of ethics (Hota committee), Agencies like CVC, CBI, Lokpal, Laws, Rules and regulation, Article 29 (Protection of distinct language, script or culture)
  • Spiritual development – Article 25-28, Haj subsidy, Char Dham Highway, Promotion of Yoga and meditation, Spiritual Tourism [PRASHAD Scheme – Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual and Heritage Augmentation Drive] 
  • Service attitude – Charan Paduka Abhiyan [J K Soni sir], Poma Tudu IAS [2-hour walk to meet tribals], Baba Amte [Leprosy patients], Sonu Sood, Aruna Roy, Heeralal Shastri and Ratan Shastri, P Narhari sir [Special efforts for divyangs] 


  1. Slogan – The concept of Sarvodaya will help achieve the dream of ‘Sarve Bhavantu Sukhin, Survey Santu Niramaya, Survey Bhadrani Paschayntu, Maa Kaschit Dukh Bhaag Bhavet” 

Target – By treating problems like hunger, poverty, and inequality, The concept of Sarvodaya will help achieve the targets of SDG 2030

Q4. गृह  विभाग, राजस्थान की ओर से जिला कलेक्टर, जैसलमेर को एक अनुस्मारक लिखिए जिसमें वहां आए बाहरी व्यक्तियों के बारे में वांछित सूचना शीघ्र भेजने का वर्णन हो ।

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