RAS Mains: Science & Tech

RAS Mains Science Technology Preparation

General Science & Technology forms Unit II of RAS Mains GS Paper 2. This Page lists topics as per RAS Mains Syllabus:

RAS Mains Science & Technology Topics:


Nuclear technology:

  • Basic concept, radioactivity and its applications, civilian and military uses
  • Different types of nuclear reactors, .
  • Institutional structure for development of nuclear technology in India.


  • Basic concept, Telecom application for socio-economic development of masses,
  • Indian telecom industry with brief history,
  • National Telecom Policy
  • TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)



Science Basic Concepts:

  • Electromagnetic waves
  • Communication systems,
  • Basics of computers,
  • Uses of information technology,
  • e-governance and e-commerce in administration.
  • States of Matter
  • Allotropes of carbon.
  • pH Scale and importance of pH in daily life.
  • Corrosion and its prevention
  • Catalyst
  • Soap and Detergents – Cleansing action of soap.
  • Polymers and their uses


  • Applications of Biotechnology
  • Associated Ethical and Intellectual Property Right Issues.

Food and Human Health:

Other S & T Topics:

Environment & its Conservation:

Topics Related to Rajasthan 

Biodiversity and its conservation with special reference to the state of Rajasthan.

Water Conservation with special reference to the Traditional Systems in the State of Rajasthan 

Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Dairy and Animal Husbandry with special reference to Rajasthan.

Answer Writing Practise

RAS Mains Science & Technology Paper Preparation

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