Cooperatives in Rajasthan

Evolution of Cooperatives in India

Co-operative Credit Structure in Rajasthan

At present, there are 29 Central Cooperative Banks, 21 Milk Unions, 38 Consumer Wholesale Stores, 36 Primary Land Development Banks, 6,617 Primary Agriculture Credit Co-operative Societies and 271 Marketing and Fruit & Vegetable Societies in the State. A total of 35,101 Co-operative societies are registered in the State.

Cooperative Credit Related Schemes:

  • Rajasthan Krishak Rin Mafi Yojana 2019
  • Gyan Sagar Credit Scheme
  • Co-operative Farmer’s Welfare Scheme
  • Co-operative Life Insurance Scheme
  • Women Development Loan Scheme
  • Self-employment Credit Card Scheme
  • Raj Sahkar Personal Accident Insurance Scheme
  • Prime Minister Crop Insurance Scheme
  • Credit assistance to Self Help Groups

Cooperative Marketing Structure

There are Kraya Vikraya Samities at every mandi yard in the State and at apex level, RAJFED is functional. They are working to make available high yielding variety of seeds, fertilizers and pesticides to the farmers at fair prices and ensuring fair prices to the farmers for their crops.

Co-operative Consumer Structure

To resuscitate the consumers from black marketing and simulated deficiency in the market, cooperative institutions are working effectively in providing consumer products on reasonable prices. For this purpose, 37 cooperative wholesale bhandars are working at district level and Rajasthan Rajya Sahkari Upbhokta Sangh Ltd (CONFED) is working as Apex institution in the consumer sector.

Co-operative Housing Scheme

The main objective of Rajasthan Co-operative Housing Federation established in 1970 is to provide long term loans to members of housing societies/ Primary Agriculture Credit Societies (PACS) for construction of houses and providing house on cheap rates by developing well planned colonies.

Presently, after amendment on 4th November, 1996 in bye-laws of Rajasthan Co-operative Housing Federation (RCHF), personal housing loans are given to applicants after making them nominal member.

Co-operative Press

Rajasthan state co-operative printing press is an apex institution. The objective of this institution is to provide qualitative printing material for government department, members and non-members of co- operative societies.

Urban Co-operative Banks

35 Urban Co-operative Banks are functioning in the State. Among them, 3 banks are Railway Employee Salary Earner Co-operative Banks and 6 banks are women urban co-operative banks.


There are 8,657 finished godowns under co-operative societies/ institutions. These godowns are used for agricultural produce, Public Distribution System (PDS) and food storage under various schemes of Rural Development Department.

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