लोक प्रशासन
Concepts, Issues and Dynamics of Public Administration and Management forms Unit II of RAS Mains General Studies Paper III. This page lists topics as per the syllabus of RAS Mains.
Public Administration for RAS Mains
Administration & Management:
- Meaning, nature & significance
- Importance and Scope
- Role in developed & developing societies.
- Evolution of Public Administration as a discipline.
- New public administration (NPA).
- Theories of publicadministration.
- Principles of Organization
- Hierarchy
- Span of control
- Unity of command
- शक्ति, प्राधिकार, वैधता, उत्तरदायित्व और प्रत्यायोजन की अवधारणाएँ।
- Functions of management.
- Corporate governance and social responsibility
- New dimensions of public management, management of change.
Personnel Administration:
- Aptitude and foundational values of civil services: integrity, impartiality, and non partisanship, dedication to public service,
- Relationship between generalists and specialists.
- Code of Conduct for Civil Servants
- Code of Ethics for Civil Servants
Development Administration
- विकास प्रशासन: अर्थ, क्षेत्र और विशेषताएँ।
Citizen And Administration
- Legislative control over administration.
- Judicial control over administration.
- सुशासन:
राजस्थान में प्रशासन
- Administrative setup of Rajasthan
- राज्यपाल
- Chief Minister,
- Council of Ministers,
- राज्य सचिवालय
- प्रमुख शासन सचिव
District administration:
- Organization,
- Role of District Collector
- Role of Superintendent of Police,
- Sub-divisional and Tehsil administration.
Administrative Bodies:
- State Human Rights Commission,
- State Election Commission,
- Lokayukt,
- राजस्थान लोक सेवा आयोग